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My #1 Secret To Client Retention


My #1 Secret To Client Retention

As travel experts trying to grow our businesses, we're usually focused on the acquisition of new customers, right?

We're always thinking about new ways to:

  • Find new leads
  • Attract the leads to us
  • & How to convert the leads into paying clients

But today, I want to focus on something different and that is...CLIENT RETENTION.

So, why shift our focus to client retention?

Because it's so much easier to KEEP clients than it is to get NEW ones!

Therefore, we need to start focusing on the clients that we have already and also the ones we've had in the past.

Today I'm sharing the #1 way I keep client retention going and open the lines of communication if it's been a while since we've had a conversation!

===> Click the video to see my #1 secret!


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